マラナタ 主よ 来てください!



All the members, many though they are, are one Body,


日本の国全体が一つのからだとして 苦しみを担い、連帯して、いつの日か共に喜びあうことができますように祈りましょう。

And so it is with Christ. 「キリストのからだ(教会)もおなじことです。」

 同じキリストのからだに連なる者として、毎日 十字架の道行の祈りをささげましょう。


祈りのサポートが海外から次々とE-mail で届いています。


「At this juncture of the great tragedy leading to loss of life and property in Japan, we like to reassure you our prayers and support. I was travelling and could not send you mail earlier. I saw even some video clippings of the Tsunami and have realised the gravity of the situation in Japan. I want to reassure you that we will continue to pray for Japan at our gatherings and prayer meetings.

I am endorsing copy of this mail to the ISAO so that members of ISAO will organise intercession for relief and rehabilitation of the affected people of Tsunami.

We are with you, brothers and sisters, at this time of testing of faith. May the Good Lord comfort, strengthen and guide you to tide over this temporary phase of crisis in your life. We love Japan and its people!

With loving regards and prayers,
Yours in Christ,

Cyril John」


「The CCR in Singapore is praying much for the people of Japan. Gerard and I were on our way to Kuching for ministry when the disasters happened and learnt about them when we landed. On the same night, we were preaching on 'Stand Up And Walk In Jesus' Name'. In times like these, children of God with great faith are called to encourage those who are down to stand up and walk in Jesus' name. God Bless Jessica」
