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Pentecost of the Nations is built on solid ground at the heart of the Church (諸国民の聖霊降臨は教会の中核にある固い土台の上に建てられる。)
“Oh, if only... unanimous and fervent prayers could be raised to Heaven in every part of Christendom, as they were one in the Cenacle (upper room) of Jerusalem for a rekindling of the Divine Spirit” (Bl. Elena Guerra)

● Imagine what would happen if “unanimous and fervent prayers” were raised in every time zone in the world for nine
● Imagine what would happen if we witnessed to the power of the Holy Spirit in every part of the world throughout Pentecost!
● Imagine what God could do if we united in prayer and celebration for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our
● Imagine our world transformed!

Together we pray!(ご一緒に祈りましょう)
An answer that the worldwide CCR offers in response to the desire expressed by both Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI that the spirituality of Pentecost will spread in the Church for a new “Culture of Pentecost”(JPII, May 2004 – Benedict XVI, Sept 2005)

Operation Upper Room (高間での任務)
You can be part of this vision for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) in every nation to unite in prayer. Let
us weave a dense global “net” of prayer which will be continuous, night and day, during the nine days before
Pentecost, we have given you a Novena which can be said during that time.
It's an invitation of return to the “Upper Room of Jerusalem”, waiting in one heart and in constant prayer
(Acts 1:12-14), becoming “burning bushes” in adoration and intercession. (Leo XIII, E. Guerra 1895-1897)
All areas of the Renewal throughout Australia have committed to a set day of prayer from the 14-22nd May.
NSW’s day is 15th May .
This invitation is to you if you , your prayer group or community would like to commit to join us in prayer during the 24hrs on 15th May please inform us at the CCR Centre which 1hr block you are committing to pray within the 24hrs.

24 Hour Prayer Cover Special Prayer Intentions24時間の特別な意向のリスト
NSW's day is 15th May (オーストラリアのNSW州は5月15日に)

For a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit:
For the Church and Pope Benedict XVI to proclaim the
Good News in the power of the Holy Spirit
(Acts 2:11)
For the World that all people would come to believe in
Christ who was sent; for the unity of Christianity (John 17:21)

For the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for faithfulness to
living and sharing our central calling of Baptism in the Holy
Spirit; for unity within the many expressions of CCR
world-wide as well as with the entire Church; for fruitful-
Novena for Pentecost Nine days of prayer and reflection

from Ascension to Pentecost(Phone 9810 2499 Email: ccr8@bigpond.com)

