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 ノベナ 第一日目 (5月14日夜)


Praying the Novena each day
● Begin by invoking the Holy Spirit using Pope
John XXIII’s prayer.
● Follow the daily theme by reflecting upon the
● Pray for the specific intercession.
● Conclude each day with the Pentecost Sequence.

● 教皇ヨハネ23世の祈りを使い、聖霊への呼び掛けの祈りで始める。
● 聖書朗読箇所に基づいて、その日のテーマについて黙想する。
● その日のとりなしの祈りのテーマについて祈る。
● 聖霊の続唱を最後に唱える。

“Renew your wonders in this our day, as by a new Pentecost. Grant to your Church that, being of one mind and steadfast in prayer with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and following the lead of Blessed Peter, it may advance the reign of our Divine Saviour, the reign of truth and justice, the reign of love and
peace, Amen” (John Paul XXIII).

Come, Holy Spirit, in your power and might to renew the face of the earth. 聖霊来てください。あなたの力と権能をもって、地の面を新たにしてください。

第一日目のノベナの意向: クリック
1 Intercession for Israel, the People of the Covenant
1 契約の民イスラエルへのとりなしの祈り

Come, Holy Spirit upon the Jewish people Israel, the
first to hear the Word of God, and prepare them for
the full realisation of the “hope of Israel”. Bless our
elder brother, the people of your covenant.


Scripture: Gen 12: 1-3; Ps 122:6; Is. 62:1-2; Acts 28:20; Rom 11
聖書朗読:創世 12: 1-3;
詩篇 122:6;
イザヤ 62:1-2;
使徒 28:20;
ローマ 11

Prayer intention:
“To the Jews belong the son-ship, the glory, the
covenant, the giving of the Law, the worship and the
promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and of their
race, according to the flesh, is the Christ.” (CCC 839)

”ユダヤ人のために、子の身分、栄光、契約、律法の授与、礼拝と約束は彼らに属し、太祖も、人種も、そして肉によれば、キリストはユダヤ人に属する。”(カトリック教会のカテキズム 839)

Pray for the ‘shalom’, (peace), of Jerusalem, for the
righteousness of Jerusalem to shine before all the
nations. Pray for all Jewish people in Israel and in
the Diaspora.
